Thursday, September 9, 2010

the most wonderful time of the year- FOOTBALL SEASON!

A cool breeze is in the air, the smell of hot-dogs on the grill and the sound random people yelling O-H in the distance. Must mean one thing- football season. I love this time of year! Saturdays now are full of tailgating and watching football. A few of my co-workers and friends decided to get tickets to the season opener: OSU vs. Marshall. It was incredibly hot at the Shoe. BLAH- whatever happened to the cool breeze? Anyways we hit up a few tailgates then headed in to find our seats.

We were on B-deck, I'm not sure what that means but our seats were in row 6 so they had to be good right? WRONG! We were seated directly behind the pole! Not only that but when the lights came on I felt like I was getting round 2 of my summer tan. It was still fun getting to cheer with the crowd (even though we couldn't see what happened and had to watch the replays on the TV above our heads) but there is NOTHING like the crowd and band at the OSU game. <3 the bucks!
This was the first touchdown of the season: it happened behind the pole.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Love Lucy

This was Lucy as a baby... I want this little nugget back. Now that she is 8 months she has turned into a horse! She is a total bed hog that likes to snore and chew on her bone when you are trying to fall asleep, but I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer 2010

I decided to "re-create" my blog (mostly because I can't for the life of me remember my account information) but I also wanted to update my life from the past few months and events to come. So much has happened recently- I really don't even know where to start.

My puppy has now become a mini horse and is growing more and more everyday. Lucy is now 8 months old and is the best dog I could have asked for. She is still very puppy but is incredibly smart and insanely cute (I am very bias- of course)

For the past 6 months I have been freelancing on and off for various companies. Most recently I worked for the AMA (American Motorcyclists Association) where I did the new displays for the museum and other design elements for the company. I was contracted there for a month and loved being with the staff.

July 12 I started my FULL TIME big girl job. I am the new graphic designer for the OSAB (Ohio State Bar Association) I design newsletters, magazines, brochures, etc that go out to lawyers all over the state of Ohio. I love it. I honestly don't think I could have picked a better job for myself. The hours are perfect, I'm 1 of 2 designers, we are re-branding (which is my favorite thing!) and everyone here has been so welcoming and nice... oh yea and the pay + benefits is definitely a plus! :)

Every weekend before starting my new job was insanely packed.
We had pirate day! Which was a blast- Who doesn't like dressing like pirates and spending the entire day at the lake?? The following weekend we had the lovely Lyndsey's bridal shower and bachelorette party. The theme was "white trash" and believe me- we were. July 4th weekend I took a trip back to Chicago to visit my best friends and favorite kids. I flew in on Friday and went to dinner with Megan and Holden. We spent all day on Saturday downtown Chicago SHOPPING!! It was a blast, we took the train in, shopped, ate lunch at the yummy Water Tower, shopped some more then caught a train into Lisle for the hot air balloon festival. Sunday and Monday were pool days and lots of cooking out. We always have a great time.

This past weekend was Lyndsey and Adam's wedding. It was so much fun and everything was beautiful, especially the bride! We danced the night away and had a fantastic time- other than the lack of sleep that I am still trying to recover from. I am so happy for both of them- they are the perfect pair!

I am hopping August will slow down- but I'm not counting on it. Since Adam and Lyndsey are moving to Cleveland I am sure there will be many road-trips there, and hopefully a Cedar Point day!