Thursday, September 9, 2010

the most wonderful time of the year- FOOTBALL SEASON!

A cool breeze is in the air, the smell of hot-dogs on the grill and the sound random people yelling O-H in the distance. Must mean one thing- football season. I love this time of year! Saturdays now are full of tailgating and watching football. A few of my co-workers and friends decided to get tickets to the season opener: OSU vs. Marshall. It was incredibly hot at the Shoe. BLAH- whatever happened to the cool breeze? Anyways we hit up a few tailgates then headed in to find our seats.

We were on B-deck, I'm not sure what that means but our seats were in row 6 so they had to be good right? WRONG! We were seated directly behind the pole! Not only that but when the lights came on I felt like I was getting round 2 of my summer tan. It was still fun getting to cheer with the crowd (even though we couldn't see what happened and had to watch the replays on the TV above our heads) but there is NOTHING like the crowd and band at the OSU game. <3 the bucks!
This was the first touchdown of the season: it happened behind the pole.